Today is the day of the B.C. provincial election, and
unfortunately, unlike past provincial elections, I had not been doing routine
projection. However, I couldn’t let the election period go by without doing
some sort of projection, so I have crunched the most recent polls to come up
with a purely math based projection to see how the results tonight may turnout.
In previous projections, I have liked to factor in what I like to call
“qualitative” data- that is taking a look at what people are saying about various
districts to get a sense of how they may differ from normal trends. In my
math-based projection, I have ignored this completely. For example, while I
believe the Greens will win the riding of Oak Bay-Gordon Head, my math based
projection shows otherwise, because I have purposely not taken into
consideration local factors this time. I want to be able to show a transparent
projection this time.
For my projection, I have taken a look at the most recent
polls from Justason, Ipsos-Reid, Forum Research, Hill & Knowlton and Angus
Reid. These are the only pollsters that had regional crosstabs. The most common
regional breakdowns used are “Metro Vancouver”, “Vancouver Island” and
“Interior”. So, I have taken an average of the regional breakdowns for those
three areas (taking out the polls that don’t use those regional breakdowns) and
looked for the difference between the 2009 provincial election results in those
regions and the average:
Liberal avg.(change from 2009)
NDP avg. (change from 2009)
Green avg. (change from 2009)
Cons avg. (change from 2009)
Other avg. (change from 2009)
38 (-8.8)
38.5 (-0.4)
10.5 (+2.6)
9 (+4.0)
5 (+3.5)
Vancouver Island
29.2 (-9.5)
44.4 (-5.6)
18.4 (+8.0)
7 (+6.7)
1.8 (+1.0)
Metro Vancouver
34.5 (-13.9)
47.55 (+6.4)
9.6 (+2.2)
5.45 (+4.8)
2.8 (+0.6)
Next, I factored in these swings to each riding in their
respected three regions. For the Liberals and the NDP, I also factored in the
trend between the 2005 and 2009 elections. So, if a riding is trending Liberal,
that riding will not see as adverse swing as a riding that is trending NDP (and
vise vera). Whatever percentage I got from this, I used in my projection. It’s
not the best way of doing it, but at least it will give a good idea of how the
election will shape up.
Here is the map:
![]() |
Math based projection |
For the record, this gives us 53 NDP seats, 30 Liberals
and 2 Independents. Seats that were decided within 5% include
Boundary-Similkameen, Cariboo-Chilcotin, Chilliwack, Kamloops-North Thompson,
Comox Valley, Oak Bay-Gordon Head, Langley, North Vancouver-Lonsdale, Port
Moody-Coquitlam, Surrey-Panorama, Peace River North and Vancouver-Langara. It
is safe to say that most of these ridings will be one’s to watch tonight. The
two independent seats are Delta South and Peace River North. Delta South was
won by an Independent last election, and the Independent who did quite well in
Peace River North in 2009 is running again.
But of course, using math is not the only way to make an
election projection. I also scoured the internet last night to find what other
projectors were saying. I compiled the results, and made another map based on
their cumulative projections. I took a look at, The
Tye, Teddy Boragina, BC Iconoclast,, Global TV, and It should be noted that some of these
projectors may have made predictions this morning that may affect the map. But,
it does serve as another useful tool in predicting the election. Because I used
8 predictors, there were several ridings that were evenly split in terms of
which party was projected to win. These were Prince George-Valemount (4 NDP, 4
Liberal), Cariboo North (3 Independent, 3 Liberal, 1 NDP, 1 too close to call),
Chilliwack (4 NDP, 4 Liberal), Oak Bay-Gordon Head (3 NDP, 3 Green, 1 Liberal, 1
too close to call) and Vancouver-Langara (4 NDP, 4 Liberal). My math based
projection has these ridings going the following:
*Prince George-Valemount: Liberal (43%-36%)
*Cariboo North: NDP (50%-36%) – the sitting MLA, an
independent and former NDPer complicates things.
*Chilliwack: NDP (36%-32%)
*Oak Bay-Gordon Head: NDP (39%-37%) – a strong Green
campaign complicates things
*Vancouver-Langara: Liberal (45%-41%)
![]() |
Aggregate prediction map from 8 predictors |
The cumulative projections also differ from my projection in
a number of ridings. In addition to the ties, these include Vernon-Monashee (I
have going Liberal), Chilliwack-Hope (I have going Liberal, but the riding does
have an NDP MLA thanks to a by-election), Comox Valley (I have going Liberal)
and Parksville-Qualicum (I have going Liberal). Really, there is not much
difference, but it does look like other projectors are slightly more
NDP-friendly in terms of their predictions. In looking at the cumulative
results, there are 5 ties, 2 ridings to go independent, 25 Liberal and 53 New
Democrat seats. Oh, and for the record on both these maps, Liberal Premier
Christy Clark loses her seat.
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